วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2560

04.08.2560 Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An.

ขอบคุณ ข้อมูลและภาพ จาก http://www.vamvo.com/TraQueVegetableVillageHoiAn.aspx

Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An

Tra Que vegetable village with the rows of lush vegetable stretched straight, famous for many vegetables are grown in the fertile soil, fertilize by algae taken from the Co Co River, creating a special taste, contributing to the rustic tasty dishes in Hoi An.

Currently, Tra Que vegetable village has 220 farming families, in which nearly 200 families specialized vegetable growing crop rotation, intercropping on an area of 40 ha. The scale is not large, but vegetable growing has become a major occupation of locals in many generations.

- According to Tra Que farmer, wants to harvest fresh and quality vegetables, first must clean from selecting soil and water. The soil is increased the humus and porous by the organic fertilizers and algae taken from the river. Then, combine traditional methods with the advancement of science, to produce clean vegetables under a closed process.

A day visit to Tra Que vegetable village, tourists will experience the feeling of becoming the true vegetable growers, with farmer clothes, slippers pear, conical hat... and then try hoe, making rows, sowing, grow vegetables, fertilize, watering...

After that, you will be participating in the food processing, and enjoy these tasty dishes. Tra Que vegetable village well known for over 20 species of vegetables and herbs. Each vegetable is used depends on the flavor of dishes, such as: onions and cilantro combine with jellyfish salad, sour soup; laksa leaves and basil are used in mixed mussel; or Quang noodles and Cao Lau Hoi An have to eat with Tra Que raw vegetables...

- Especially, Tom Huu traditional dish is indispensable in Gio Chap (worshiping ancestors in the final month of the year), Cung Dinh (worshiping in a temple)... and guest reception. This dish is not picky, but must be full of material: ground shrimp, pork and Tra Que vegetables.

Then, you can lie in a hammock or bamboo bed in the garden to relax in a quiet space of the countryside. In the afternoon, you also can go fishing, pull netted, or cycling around... and save the interesting memories about Tra Que vegetable village in Hoi An.


