วันอังคารที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2560

05.07.2560 Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia. (Angkor's royal palaces). บริเวณที่ตั้งพระราชวังพระนคร เมืองพระนคร จังหวัดเสียมเรียบ ราชอาณาจักรกัมพูชา

Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.

บริเวณที่ตั้งพระราชวังพระนคร เมืองพระนคร จังหวัดเสียมเรียบ ราชอาณาจักรกัมพูชา

Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

ขอบคุณ ภาพและข้อมูล 
จาก http://www.orientalarchitecture.com/sid/1128/cambodia/angkor/royal-palace-site

Royal Palace Site (10th-13th centuries)

The site of Angkor's royal palaces is of limited architectural interest as none of the royal residences survive. The vast palaces and residential dwellings that once stood here were built of perishable materials and, over the centuries, have left so few remains that archaeologists cannot even be certain of their footprints. Nonetheless, working with the surviving enclosure walls, gopuras (gateways) a few minor structures, and the limited textual evidence provided by Zhou Daguan's 13th century account, it is possible to sketch a rough outline of the significance of the site.
Angkor's first royal palaces were built by King Rajendravarman in the 10th century when he moved the capital here from Koh Ker. The temple-tower of Phimeanakas, near the center of the palace grounds, was built around that time. About 200 years later, the prolific builder Jayavarman VII modified the site by adding a layer of earth 1.2 meters deep. He probably also commissioned the so-called Terrace of the Elephants immediately to the east of the site. Together with the enclosure walls, this created a striking set of axes marking the center of Jayavarman VII's town of Angkor Thom which served as the center of the empire. The north-south axis established by the Terrace of the Elephants was matched about 200 meters to the east by a line of eight towers now known as the Prasat Suor Prat. In between the terrace and the towers stood a vast parade ground of unknown function, though it may have been used for military reviews and other ceremonial purposes. Perpendicular to the parade ground, and on-axis with the east entrance to the palace grounds, was the central perron (projecting stairway) that pointed east toward the Angkor Thom's Gate of Victory (one of the two east-facing gates to the city). As all of these structures survive, the visitor can experience the scale of the spectacle that must have greeted Zhou Daguan when he arrived in the very same square some 700 years ago and vividly recounted glimpses of the capital at the height of its prosperity.
A visitor to the palace would have ascended the central perron and entered the palace grounds through the east gopura. This gate, which survives, was built in the Khleang style which flourished from 968-1010, and is considered a representative example of that design (unfortunately, many of its decorative elements have not survived). Running out from the gate to the north and south were a set of walls averaging five meters in height that formed the boundary of the royal palace. The enclosed area—measuring 600 x 260m—was serviced by a further four gates, two of each located to the north and south. A twenty-five meter wide moat surrounded the perimeter walls on all sides; it may have been as much of a fire break as a defensive feature. Other than the royal palace dwellings, the most notable structure was the temple-pyramid of Phimeanakas. A handful of smaller stone buildings also survive in fragmentary form at the southeast corner of the site.
On the north side of the palace grounds are several small basins, some of which were recently refilled with water. The largest of these, at north-center, measures 50 x 145 meters and is faced with 13 sandstone terraces descending several meters into the ground. The upper levels of the terraces are decorated with mythical creatures including nagas, naginis, sea monsters, and male and female garuda. Next to the terrace, to the east, is a smaller basin measuring 30 x 50 meters. When it was excavated in the mid-20th century, archaeologists discovered important artifacts such as gold rings and wooden beams in pristine condition.
To the west of the basins very little survives apart from one stone foundation which contains a frieze decorated with horses, elephants, people, and hamsa (sacred geese). The far west side of the palace site, now covered in dense foliage and little-visited, is the probable location of the inner halls of the palaces where Jayavarman VII, his relatives, and the royal harem (perhaps numbering thousands of women) likely resided. Of the palace chambers, Zhou Daguan, who visited the Khmer Empire in August 1296, had this to say:
"The royal palace, the officials' residences, and great houses all face east. The palace lies to the north of the gold tower with the gold bridge [Bayon], near the northern gateway. It is about five or six li in circumference. The tiles of the main building are made of lead; all the other tiles are made of yellow clay. The beams and pillars are huge, and all are carved and painted with images of the Buddha. The rooms are really quite grand-looking, and the long corridors and complicated walkways, the soaring structures that rise and fall, all give a considerable sense of size." (Harris, location 970).
Peter Harris notes that Zhou's estimate of five or six li (2.5 to 3 kilometers) is not consistent with the present layout of the laterite walls, which measure 1.7 kilometers, suggesting that he may have included the open plaza and terraces to the east of the palace.
No definitive source indicates the ultimate fate of the palace's numerous wooden structures. If the Abridged Royal Chronicle of Ayudhya is to be believed, Angkor was sacked by Ramesvara, the son of the Ayutthayan (Thai) King U Thong (r. 1350-69), sometime in the 1350s. As the Chronicle notes that "The Kambuja capital was taken and many families were removed to the capital [Ayudhya]" (Wyatt, pp. 32-33) it can be surmised that the palace was overrun no later than this time. According to Jacques Dumarçay, the coup de grâce may have taken place in 1431 when the city was again overrun by Ayutthayan forces despite Khmer efforts to convert the royal palace and the adjacent Baphuontemple into a fortified area. Dumarçay notes that when the Portuguese historian Diego do Cuto (1543-1616) visited Angkor, he "could only see incomplete buildings and barely mentions the location of the new palace, which however, was not far away" (Dumarçay, p. 44).

Plan of the Royal Palace Site

Drawn by Timothy M Ciccone following Claude Jacques, Michael Freeman, and Jean Laur.


The approximate location of the site is 13.445894' N, 103.856026' E (WGS 84 map datum).

01.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

The central passage is flanked by seated lions and naga balustrades.
ทางเดินทาง (บันได) ขนาบข้างด้วย สิงห์นั่งและราวบันไดนาคา.

02.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

03.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

04.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

05.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

one of the east-facing projections of the  cruciform -shapedupper terrace.
หนึ่งในด้านทิศตะวันออกของระเบียงรูป "กางเขน".

06.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

07.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

08.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

09.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

10.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

11.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

12.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

13.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

14.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

15.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

16.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

17.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

18.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

19.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

20.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

21.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

22.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

23.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

24.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

25.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

26.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

27.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

28.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

29.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

30.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

31.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

32.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

33.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

34.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

35.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

36.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

37.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

38.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

39.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

40.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

41.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

42.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

43.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

44.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

45.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

46.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

47.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

48.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

49.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

50.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

51.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

52.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

53.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

54.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

55.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

56.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

57.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

58.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

59.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

60.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

61.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

62.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

63.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

64.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

65.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

66.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

67.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

68.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

69.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

70.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

71.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

72.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

73.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

74.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

75.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

76.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

77.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

78.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

79.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

80.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

81.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

82.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

83.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

84.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

85.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

86.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

87.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

88.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

89.Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).
Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

Royal Palace Site, Angkor, Cambodia.(Angkor's royal palaces).

Photo Gallery. Asian Historical Architecture.

ขอบคุณ ภาพและข้อมูล 
จาก http://www.orientalarchitecture.com/sid/1128/cambodia/angkor/royal-palace-site


